Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mother Knows Best...Wait, What?!

I’ve always heard the saying “Mother knows best,” in movies and in real life. I never questioned the statement before ( teen years not included) until now. I have never done this whole parenting thing which is fine because every parent has a first time and most people survive it, but do I really know whats best? I play a recap (in my mind) of my daily routine (yeah, we shall call it a routine) and realize some people may be horrified.. Most new moms are soothing and will be quite and gentle to get their infant to relax and sleep. I am not that new mom. Often Carter has one part of the day where he does this “fake” cry.. The first time it happened I didn’t notice but my amazing husband ( he really is amazing) pointed it out and it opened a whole new door for me. The next day during this “fake” cry instead of trying sooth him I copied his cry with the same volume and inflection. There I was with my infant having a screaming/cry match face to face ( must have looked amazing) and I realized that he was stopping.. Neat. I can be loud and sooth him. Now when this “fake” cry arises I don’t hesitate I pick up the child and put his face near mine and make a lot of noise. Knowing what is best may be a stretch for me BUT I apparently I know what works for the my child. So no worries if you swing by and hear screaming.. we are fine,  we are just on our way to relaxation..

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Day I Realized I Had Wipes..

WARNING: If you are a mom and have had no sleep you may want to prepare yourself not to hate me because in this post I will mention how much sleep the child lets me get...

I have been a little absent minded these past few days doing stupid things like spelling my last name wrong (not just once but SIX different times) and other things like that... I wish I could blame it on lack of sleep but I can’t Carter sleeps through the night every night now with the shortest span being 7hrs and a lot of days goes he longer soo I cant really complain..  But he always seems to be needing something just when I sit down to eat (welcome to motherhood right?) I often try and think of ways to try and outsmart him so that I can eat... WELL today I went grocery shopping in 4 degree weather  yup just 4.. by the time I was done I was STARVING ok technically I wasn’t starving because I am not a victim of starvation but any who I was hungry and child was sleeping . I wanted to defeat him and eat my lunch in peace and then I remembered I had three dollars cash monies ( cash is important bc it doesn’t count when I spend it) with that thought I switched lanes to turn into a Taco Bell ( no shame!)  I got my little lunch and laughed to myself bc I was going to eat and he was going to sleep..WIN :)  I used to think I would have to use the carseat in the middle of the night ( SO GRATEFUL that I don’t) but the middle of the day would be great for this little lunchtime selfishness ..SO I start eating my lunch and it starts leaking sauce all over me I sigh and think well at least in the drive through they give you napkins.. Yeah NO. I searched the entire bag and found no napkin! As sauce runs down my jacket and my front seat I try not to be angry bc this was supposed to be my baby-free happy lunch .. THEN I see the diaper bag and smiled because I remembered... I have wipes! :) I relaxed and took out the wipes and wiped off my taco bell evidence while the child slept. Operation peaceful lunch was *mostly* a success..

Pee pee, Poo poo, and Milk

So you know those moms that look beautiful  with their hair done and have on nice fashionable outfits? I now feel the need to yell “FALSE ADVERTISING” when I see them. I seriously mean it. I can at least  keep the child looking nice but dang it that isn’t easy and leaves me no time for me. He spits up on himself and somehow manages to poop and pee out of his diaper  usually when I am trying to leave the house. When he does that it also gets on me.. At first I would change my clothes and wash my skin off. Now its different, I don’t have enough clothes to cover all these bodily excretions. To top that off if its not just Carter’s fluids, its mine. Two words: boob juice.  Even with pads I still manage to get it on me.. Sigh. I wonder if I should yell at those “perfect moms” for wearing those cute outfits that no one could possibly nurse in. Who am I kidding? If it weren’t for those women there would be no hope for looking nice ever... They inspire me to not give up on trying to put makeup on and to at least wipe the poop off my sleeve with a wipe. 

Bringing Home Baby

 Our time in the hospital was a little longer than expected because while in labor I developed pre-eclamsia and my blood pressure was misbehaving to put it gently. I am skipping my labor experience on here because it was bad lol we shall leave it at that. 

Right after our baby shower ( a month and ten days before Carter arrived) I couldn’t wait to put away his stuff! Nesting? NOPE. He just received so many gifts that it was hard to move in our apartment, I couldn’t stand the sight of all the cute clutter. I put everything away a little at a time so that it would at least be organized and organized in a way that I would have no trouble at all finding anything. Yeah, I was already rocking the mom thing. 

The night we brought Carter home he needed a diaper change. BLAH! I HAD NOTHING OPEN. So I have a screaming new born and I am wrestling with the stupid wrapper on the wipes and once I finally managed to get through the Fort Knox of plastic I realized I needed diapers that fit a new born and I couldn’t remember if I had any.. Thank God the hospital sent us home with some. After the traumatic diaper change I had to find something “safe” for my little guy to sleep in. It went something like “ uhhhhhhhh...........” It worked out. He slept and survived so I guess what ever he slept in that night worked. Next time ( if there is a next time) I will learn that stupid swaddle so that all I will need is a onesie and a blanket!

The Truth About Being A Mom

I wanted so badly to be a mother and convinced my husband that we were ready to start our family, he had just a semester of grad school left and would have his masters by the time a baby would arrive. We tried for awhile and nothing happen, we were even told we may not be able to have children due to my weight. With that we took a break from trying and sure enough we got pregnant. I couldn’t wait, I wanted the “glow”. I couldn’t wait to feel our baby move and to find out if it was a boy or girl. 

Shortly into my pregnancy I realized I was not going to get “the glow” and that I was not one of those women who got gushy at every flutter they felt. Instead I felt squished and feeling movement kind of grossed me out. ( Just so I don’t sound completely awful I would freak out a little if I thought it had been too long between movements).
I was happy and excited to know that we were having a boy. Everyone was so excited for us and well we were too but just in a different way, and I think all the frills and glitter a little girl would call for would have just overwhelmed me. With that said parenthood held some hidden things too and those are what I would love to share..

These are my thoughts..